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how does one download it I've never downloaded anything before?



you have figured out the sacred arts of downloading


The game crashes every time i touch water. :(


wtf..? downloaded or browser?

Downloaded, everytime i touch the water in ANY LEVEL it freezes, the logo pops up in a browser and then the game closes itself :(

wait so when you touch water, your browser opens??? what version of the game are you on? see image for how to check and to be clear… you downloaded the windows build from THIS website?

i think it might be the browser i downloaded it on, does it support opera gx?

gave up at the maze thing,  the wedges/corners are easy. its just that I cant make it to the jump ahaha. good game tho!

the maze?

not really a maze, i just dk what to call it!

(1 edit)

the sewer? the castle?

yes, i think! it's the part where you have to jump over the river or whatever body of water it's called!

oh ya I had trouble my first time too

(1 edit)

yo could you add something that tracks how fast you go like how in a car it shows your mph (you could toggle it in the menu)

thats a good idea. I’ll put it on the list


40 deaths on the lilypad ._.


lilypad part is awful and impossible doodoo


actually the game is impossible

it really isn't... i mean, seriously just look at this...

(4 edits) (-3)

well im not a speedrunner/tryhard  like you plus i suck i cant even go fast


i'm not a tryhard


oh well im not a speedrunner then






nicely done!


that part is easiest

6ŨſŎPĸŽTſĂVXB8MfĤ me smart boi

BľƀżŽTŵłƀYżŲč2MĪń me fast boi

so "wall jump training" is also "no death forest"

I love this game

ive died 107 times just from the lily pad part on the first freakin thingy 

yeah i had trouble on that the first time i played

ya me too but I still have trouble not too much though

cap its impossible

no im just better than you 


god, this game is labeled tough as nails for a reason. if you aren't good enough for a game that CLEARLY says its difficult, then why are you being annoying and saying its impossible to people who ARE good enough to play this difficult game?


this man has a point 


no one asked about you u piece of trash

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

 glad this is a browser game




actually no im not




actually yes i am


Speedrun glitch LOL


(1 edit)

If you set a checkpoint (Custom) near the hole at the end, then if you start again with Sliver Pogo you will teleport to the end, your welcome :)

yes thx

silver pogo?

yes and gold

how do u get it

Now I can explore the depths of the green thing

im gonna go ahead and BAN this from runs lmao


Sewer limbo


Not hard but unusual movement!

thats wild, gonna try that now

(1 edit) (+1)

harder than it looked, still doable

it's a whole new world of pogo possibilities, there's just not many places to do it

if you wanna make it harder add an extra bounce off the pipe after the squeeze

i wonder if the new levels getting added to pogo3d in the steam release will have more places like this

i think he's adding moving obstacles btw

RUĂ1GðqÂ5vBÔK43Ū× Pretty difficult.

this one stumped me

(1 edit)

i don't think it's even possible, i can't even find the balloon

(might not even be loading it at all, its just in the void)

could you make an option in the menu to see the hitboxes?

IĽEĮƁFJÔCĪƀðÑ6ÂŽv hard to find and get to 

This is easy, you can just thread the needle, so to speak.

(1 edit)

I think nobody can complete this I mean no one(at least I think) 

űžFoTŔűſCgTŔe69ŕĭ   Oops I put the wrong one in 

--> űŖEĕUVűŘƁďUVk6Kļk <-- I think they use the same glitch but idk

Lol this shouldn't be allowed

(3 edits)

well im wrong

did you do it on accident?

On purpose, let's just say I have experience with how stupid Webgl physics are lmao

oh that makes sense 

what happened

a glich

wait wtf? how is that possible lmao

does one of the best need help from mwa

i just want to understand this glitch lmao

hum press R and then scroll down to here and you should beat it   


my progress was wiped i don't know how it happened


I made a discord btw

(3 edits)

can I make a discord server for this game? I should already make one for the speedrunning community, but I can add channels for bug reports, suggestions etc.

(don't know why i'm asking, but other people in the comments want a discord and you can put the link in the description of the game)

It’s probably better if Im the owner of such a discord just for my own sanity but I’ll give you admin and let you structure the speedrunning channel(s) however you see fit

alright sick


died almost 500 times trying to get ONE coin, never playing this again, 10/10 would play again

(1 edit) (+1)

from testing, a more specific explanation of this bug:

Attempting to load ANY challenge that has been created in the well will break the game.

Even if its nearby. If the well has even been loaded when the balloon was made, the game breaks.

(ŮÔ0ØŚƁŮþ3ČŕõÛ0IèU, which took me way too long to verify, is gone forever.)

im sure it’s not the code and something to do with the way I load levels for challenges. I’ll take a peek at it

(1 edit)

also just a quick question, does the bunny have an actual name?


the player character’s name is pogo

(2 edits)

Bug: if you try to play this challenge, the buttons that start the game break: 


if u take a look at what i just did on stream, everything works until i input your code... is it in a weird place that might not be loading correctly? it looks like its in the well

i'm sure this isn't supposed to happen.

forgot to crop in ms paint, theres just a bunch of white space now lol



As the wolves begin to circle beneath, the bunny knows it is either climb or die.

taht looks menacing. i'm in

I shoulda put the balloon on one of the peaks, but I didn't have the nerves lol

it's actually pretty fun!

For some reason, that code breaks my game making all balloon challenges stop working...

It's not my code, it's the latest update.

oh, 1.2.5 is broken?

Had this not been bugged, it definitely should've been submitted to the community pack 1 contest

(2 edits) (+1)

A new world record! 2:20.833 (retimed) by me!

Run starts at 0:05

im raging so bad 


Lmao this game is so fun. Saw my classmate play it in class and downloaded today.

I just have a few questions:

1- Will there be a steam release soon?

2- Will there be multiplayer ever?

3- You should create a discord so that the community can ask questions and stuff like that and so everyone will be able to be notified about updates easily and report gliches more easily

Thanks for making this great game :)

multiplayer would be kinda cursed problem to solve for pogo3d. I’m working on a multiplayer game that could in theory support pogo sticks as vehicles which will more than likely be the form multiplayer pogo takes.

I want to do a steam release, but I have a job and another game (as described above) that is also eating up some of my time.

I could put up a steam release now for early access but it wouldn’t be “finished” until the end of the year

having an early access is better than having a "release" that might be unfinished, i think

I made a discord

(5 edits)

I think I have officially done it. I think I have completed everything this game has to offer in 1.2.5.

Classic Pogo, Silver, Custom, Golden, all completed the main game.

Every secret, found.

And now the challenges have officially been completed.

What have I missed? I found the well behind the waterfall, I got all the quarters (which you should be able to see in an achievements tab in the main menu or something), I found (and completed) the secret level by the throne room, I've been behind the red gate, is there anything I haven't done in this game? Let me know.

"bug": when you view the challenges menu in the browser without being full screened, the arrows that switch between the pages are partially hidden behind the challenge buttons.

(3 edits)

it might be a hardcoded resolution for where the arrows and buttons are, causing the predetermined size of the button to go past it, because the windowed resolution is so small.


I’ve seen this too. I’ll look into it I feel like the UI is too fat on fullscreen too… I know minecraft has a similar menu UI to me and it shrinks it down pretty aggressively



fix your twitter link on Itch io, it says weekendwizardy when it's supposed to be hedgewizards

now I know your secret alias

yeah i was thinking about that


Bug: dying after completing the game (you do this by facing downwards) puts you back in a semi-frozen main menu after the credits. You can enter the settings, but the background is frozen, and you can't start an adventure or enter the challenge menu. Tested on chrome.

Dunno where to post all these bugs, they clog up the comments.

hm… I fixed an iteration of this bug that affected all versions. I’ll look at it again

seems to be working fine in current build

oh misinterpreted bug. whoops

(4 edits)

I genuinely think I've reached the skill ceiling, or at least somewhere close to it.

PB: 4.107

Code: 0ã2þŲòAð4Ěŵġl1WŜĜ
I call this one: Rooftop Climb


Much trickier than I expected.

well done!

(1 edit) (+1)

since you somehow halved the time, i'll let you keep the crown of best pogo3d player... for now

I actually didn't expect to beat your time as fast as I did, but...


Lol good job. It took me a bunch of tries, I think you are more consistent!

I'll definitely let you keep that jeez, 4.1 is fast

thanks lol, I'm currently doing castle infiltration, the one you made earlier, and I'm getting really close to <15 seconds, but I can't get the last jump.

Cheers for checking it out. Yeah there are a couple of routes, depending on how fast you go. For me going straight ahead and then doing a backwards jump onto the last roof works okay. But if you're real fast you can skip all that.

just started streaming.

oh shit there's another tab of developer challenges? I thought it was just the 5


I'm all pogoed out, wp

you definitely make it look easy

Have a go at taking back the WR sometime, I'd like to see how low you can push it. Maybe some oob even?

um so i may have discovered a bug where if you pause and exit to main menu in a place thats visible in the main menu, the hud elements remain...

gonna reopen the game to see if it still happens

yep. even after reopening the game the bug still occurs.

(did that to make sure it wasn't a one off occurrence that wastes ur time)


Hey, alot of people are making balloon challenges, you should add a new page of community made balloons!

perhaps a contest to see who can make the best balloon challenges?


that’s a good idea. Not sure how to quantify “best” but im cool to be the sole arbiter of quality B) I think I can make like an announcement on the itch page. that’s probably my best bet. I’ll set it up after work


you could do a poll at the end of it or with one you like the most or have categories like hardest, funniest, the most hidden, etc... 

(1 edit)

Castle Infiltration


This about my best time


Really good, satisfying and simple physics.

I can't wait to see where this goes!

(3 edits)

I think these hard to figure out



lol the 2nd one is funny

did you beat it my friends cant

yeah it took me a bit lol. it’s kinda similar to the wall jump part of the secret level but the slant makes it a lot harder

this balloon challenge i just made is straight up just a hide and seek with the balloon.


(2 edits)

nice spot

try to find and get this


this one is hide and seek i did it in 13.984 sec


(1 edit)

beat the first one 7.242

beat the second one 4.479

(1 edit)

For the first one how did you go so fast and here is round 2 Ţè3ÆUĸŦÈ2fŻƁÉ4gGŜ 



dam you are too good, the fastest I got is 10.5


Brutally hard game but fun concept and superb implementation!

(4 edits)

I call this one: "Right Behind You"

PB: 8.142

Code: Bĺ0ŮŜĂDœ45Ŝ0ĉ1hyŘ

whoa thats brutal. i have to try this later

(1 edit)

speaking of brutal, i tried one of the codes you tweeted (the balloon on the mountain by the throne room)
and that's probably harder than this one


LOL maybe a bit harder… ;)

no the spiral is not forgiving

the spiral climb in the yard is actually ridiculous, i think thats harder (to beat the devs time) than both of the ones mentioned here combined


lol… I gave up and went the long way around gave me an idea for a different level


Throne room checkpoint doesnt save

like you picked up the ticket to let you start from the throne room, but it doesn’t show up under starting points for adventure? what browser / OS are you using? I can try and fix the problem if I have that.

(2 edits)

This sounds like a problem that wouldn't depend on any of that. Pretty much anything you do breaks the checkpoints in some way.

Here is repro for one version:

1) Start fresh in browser (chrome for example)

2) Play until you get the custom pogo, and chapter 2 & 3's checkpoints

3) Go back to the menu

Result: I don't know. Sometimes you don't have the custom pogo even if you got it, and you don't have checkpoint 3 or even 2.

Sometimes you get checkpoints 1, 2 and 4.

Sometimes you get all four.

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